From 9 to 18 October World Arthritis Day
was celebreted in Warsaw. On Friday 9.10 we met in Institute on Spartanska street. On Sunday 18.10 we travelled by special tramway
to station "Rheumatism" in central Warsaw.
In Lublin from 17 to 19 September 2015 there were V National Meetings with Rheumatology. During those days
session of associations of rheumatic people was organized as associated event. We participated in 3 Run "Move Improve", where our colleague
Monika Kacprzak received special prize for the best nordic walking technics. We High 5ing for World Arthritis Day.
On 25 August 2015 Polish government took decision about creation of National Institute of Geriatry, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation from 15 September of current year.
More pieces of information from govermental bodies and media you can find on our facebook website (only in Polish)
Polish Rheuma Federation "REF" sent an appeal to minister of health for better access to biologicals
by patients treated them. Proposal of Federation is to receive biologicals in pharmacy close to residencial place of patient and by this to economize costs of biological
The XVIII EULAR Annual European Conference of PARE
took place from 24 - 26 April in Dublin. In this conference participated representatives of associations of people with rheumatic diseases from European coutries.
Main topic was patient centred care. The next conference will be held in April 2016 Sofia.
The Ministry of Health has prepared the Council of Ministers,
that from 1 January 2015. in place of the Institute of Rheumatology establishing an Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation.
Therefore, Polish Rheuma Federation "REF" gave its opinion on this issue to minister of health.
Opinion of Polish Rheuma Federation "REF" (only in Polish)
The XVII EULAR Annual European Conference of PARE
took place from 7 - 9 November in Zagreb. In this conference participated representatives of associations of people with rheumatic diseases from European coutries.
The next conference will be held in 26 April in Dublin on the topic of patient centred care.
On 3-5 September 2014 in Katowice XXII Congress of Polish Society of Rheumatology took place. Session of associations of rheumatic people was an assiociated event
In programme of this sessionwe could listen to lectures about treatment, psychology, rehabilitation, diet, patient's rights, campanies
After session we participated in second run "Move Improve" together with health professionals.
On the eve of World Day of the Sick on 10th February 2014 it was organized VIII Forum of Leaders of Patients' Organisations with participation
of prime-minister and minister of health. In this meeting representatives of Association of People with Rheumatism and Federation "REF" participated.
As always in carnival our regional branch WAMO in Zbaszyn organized costume party titled "We preschoolers". Participants of this party were memners
of WAMO and invited guests from Poland too.
The 16th Autumn Conference for PARE was held on 15-17 November 2013 in Reykjavik, hosted by the Icelandic organisation Gigtarfélag.
The overarching topic of the Conference will be Healthy Ageing featuring the WAD motto Living Better, Ageing Well. As usual, the Autumn Conference was full of interesting topics to get possibilities of thinking and talking about issues that affect people in Europe living with RMDs. Next
conference will be organized in Zagreb.
European project preparing friendly cloths and foodwear for disabled people reachs Lublin.
Partners of project OFOONR and Belgian company Bivolino tested on-line configurator checking skirts ordered by Internet for disabled archery team
from "START"
On 17th October in Brussela in European Parliament conference on rheumatic diseases was organized. In this event representatives of EP, European Commission, European presidency, EULAR: scientists, health professionals, representatives od associations of rheumatis people took part. października w Brukseli w Parlamencie Europejskim odbyła się konferencja na temat chorób reumatycznych. W konferencji udział wzięli
On 12th October World Arthritis Day
was celebred in Poland. On this occassion meetings, lectures, conferences were organized by associations and their partners.
In Institute of Rheumatology there were lectures for people living with rheumatic diseases connected with fair.
On 12 - 14 September 2013 r. next meetings of rheumatology were organized in Sopot. Accompaiing events were
session for people with reumatic diseases and session for health professionals. Participant take part in I Run "Move improve".
From 12th to 15th June czerwca next Congress of EULAR was organized in Madrid. Among themes of presentations were:
crossboarding health services, motherhood with rheumatic diseases, biosymilairs and others. EULAR General Assembly ratified decision on membership
in EULAR PARE of Polish Rheuma Federation "REF".
On 3-4 June partners and officers of European Commission met in Brussels to present
results of project "Fashon-able" devoted to production of friedly clothes and shoes for dosalbed people. Occasion to this meeting it was eveluation of project after 1.5 years from begining.
We participated in world survey on quality of life in RA. E-survey
was active from 25th March to 11th April 2013. We filled 400 questionnaires.more...
On 26th January we celebrated
20 anniversary of registration of our Association. Our guests of this celebration were Director o Institute of Rheumatology E. Gryszpanowicz,
prof. S. Luft - Editorial Board of magazine "Golden Remedy", dr B. Moskalewicz - representative of Poland in Standing Committee for EULAR PARE, B. Zechowski -
husband patron and our colleagues from associations of rheumatic people and our regional branches.
Go to forum and see pictures from celebration of 20th
anniversary of Association!
From 1st to 4th November
Autumn Conference was organized in Zurich. It was 15th edition of this event. Representatives of patients' organizations
participated in lectures and workshops and visited offices of EULAR and of Suisse League.
On 16th and 17th in Brussels representatives
of associations met on occasion of European Days of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: one conference was organized together by EULAR and EFORT, another
was a meeting of "Fit for Work" project with one session in European parliament.
On 12th October we celebrated World Arthitis Day.
In Institute of Rheumatology in Warsaw it was organized special event for patients: lectures, meetings with experts,
offer of associations, presentation of every day tools for rheumatic people.
More of WAD celebration in Poland on website of "REF" (only in Polish)
On the last Sunday of September we participated in picnic in Saxon garden
in Warsaw. On our stand we presented our editions and proposed survey with prizes.
During 9 days
last weekend of September and first week of October) rheumatic people with BMI >=30 participated in special stay. They learn
on lectures and workshops about healthy eating, physical activities (nordic walking, zumba, home gym)
Like every year scientifists, phycisians, health professionals and representatives of people with rheumatic diseases
met on EULAR Congress. This year from 6 to 9 June in Berlin. In the program of EULAR PARE there were 2 Polish presentations: one poster on physical
activities of Warsaw's inhabitants and one oral on relations between time to diagnosis of RA and quality of life.
From 1 to 3 June Forum of Aware Patient was organized in Bialystok. Leaders of organizations of people with rheumatism were participated in
this meeting. Not only interesting lectures were part of Forum. Participants visit Bialystok and Museum of Icons in Suprasl.
On occassion of Children Day members of "Agreement of 1st June" organized happening at front of Health Ministery like reminder of difficult situation of patients living with long-term conditions. Minister of Health met wirh representatives of this citizens' initiative. More on http://1
How every spring in Wola district in Warsaw picnic promoting health was organized. On our booth everybody who has filled a questionnaire about diet could win latex band for training.
We painted wagon in "picnic train".
In the last week of April our branch WAMO
in Zbaszyn organized "School of life with rheumatism" in sea resort. In the program there were lectures, physical exercises, relax. Earlier lessons of "School" were in Warsaw, Bydgoszcz and Szczecin.
On 15th March 2012 during a meeting
of experts' working group "Dialogue for Health" organized by organizations of people living with long-term conditions: rheumatic, oncological, diabetic, orphan diseases
petition to give appropriate priorities in treatment of inflammatory arthritis with 8591 signatures was given to Health Minister.
31th January at City Hall in Nowy Tomysl
there were presented diplomas of new honorary members of our Association for persons especially deserved in activities for
people with rheumatic diseases.
As always in carnival our regional branch WAMO in Zbaszyn
organized costume party titled "Gipsy night". In this ball everybody could participated who had element of gipsy costume. Participants enjoyed good music and good
company. Next costume party like this in January 2013.
On 14th January 2012 in Institute of Rheumatology in Warsaw
there was naming ceremony. Our association took a name of Hanka Zechowska - co-organizer and animator of reumatic people's movement in Poland.
Former and present members of association and members of Hanka's family participated in this event. On the end of ceremony there were
presented diplomas of new honorary members.
Lists with signatures under petition to the Minister of Health to give appropriate priorities in treatment of inflammatory arthritis are sent to Polish Rheuma Federation "REF" from all regions of Poland. For today we collected 8 thousand of signatures. Petition will reach new minister on the begining of her/his cadency.
12th October we celebrated like always World Arthritis Day. In Institute of Rheumatology in Warsaw it was orginized fair and lectures for people living wirh rheumatic diseases. Event was under patronage of First Lady. Celebrations were accompanied by an exhibition EULAR PARE "Working Wonders".
On 4 - 5 October in Warsaw jubilee of Institute of Rheumatology was celerated under patronage of President Bronislaw
Komorowski. During celebration scientific conference: New Technologies - Progress in Rheumatic Diseases was organized.
European exhibition EULAR PARE "Working Wonders", presented activities of rheumatic people, was opened.
On 2nd October in Saxon Garden in Warsaw on occasion of International Day of Older People "Fair of creativity" was organized.
On the stand of our Association everybody could win tool to physical exercises and receive invitation on World Arthritis Day in Institute of Rheumatology.
On 9th - 11th September it was organized in Zbaszyn International Autumn of Rheumatic People connected
with Forum of Aware Patient. Representatives of associations from Poland and Latvia and local authorities participated in this meeting. Operetta from Poznan presented
her programme on the end of meeting. All was organized with kindly support of sponsors.
During XXI Economic Forum in Krynica Polish edition of European project "Fit for Work" started. Aim of this project is present fitness for
work of people with rheumatic diseases. Lech Wałęsa, former president of Poland and Nobel Peace Prize Winner is an ambassador for the Fit for Work initiative.
On 24 June - 1 July representatives of our Association
were in Latvia on invitation of Latvian association of rheumatic people. During an excursion they visited Vilnius, Siaulai, Riga, Sigulda,
Cesis, Jelgava, Rundale, Skaistkalne, Kaunas. In Lithuania and Latvia they met with representatives of fraternal associations.
On 11-13 June we participated in
XXI Congress of Polish Society of Rheumatology. Presentation of representative of Polish Rheuma Federation "REF" was opening lecture of this event.
Day before next meeting in the cycle of Forum of Aware Patient took place. We could learn on theory of media and role of dietery in rheumatic diseases. We
were inform about data from report on state of rheumatology in Poland.
In Warsaw in Wola district on 5th June how every year we participated in picnic promoting health. On our stand we organized
lottery with gifts for everybody who had filled a questionnaire on physical activity - topic of World Arthritis Day 2011 - 2012.
On 2nd - 3rd June in Warsaw 30th Conference of Conference coordinators and managers of rheumatological clinics was organized. Topics of this conference were
recommendations of treatment of rheumatic siseases in 2012. Sessions held in Health Ministery and in Institute of Rheumatology.
On 25th - 28th May in London EULAR Congress was organized. In programme of EULAR PARE 3 Polish presentations were shown:
1 oral about sexuality of rheumatic people from 2 perspectives of ill person and her partner and 2 posters; about balneotherapy and costs of RA.
On 24th February 2011 Federation "REF" organized next press conference in Polish Press Agency. Representatives of people with inflammatory rheumatic diseases and rheumatologists presented their opinions about biological therapies and about the policies of the Health Ministry connected with this treatment.
On 4th January 2011 Federation "REF" organized press conference in Polish Press Agency. Representatives of people with inflammatory rheumatic diseases presented their concern about the policies of the Health Ministry connected with biological therapies.
On 5th - 7th November in Berlin it was organized
every year conference of representatives of organization of people with rheumatic diseases.Main topics of this year were work and rehabilitation
of rheumatic people. Deutsche Reuma-Liga was host organization of this conference.
On 19th-20th October
EU belgian presidency conference on rheumatic diseases took place. Participants of this conference were experts from academia, representatives of EU
bodies, member states' goverments, associations of health professionals ana organizations of rheumatic people.
Recommendations on rheumatic diseases were efect of this conference. Conference recommendations culminated in
the call for an EU Musculoskeletal Disease Strategy and national action plans.
On 12th October on occasion of World Arthritis Day politicians
received cups with adnotation: "Do you know that 400 thousands people living with RA will not drink tea from this cup" and with postulats from rheumatic people.
It was the next stage of action "Voice for RA" started last year.
On 9th October next meeting from project "Forum of Aware Patient" was organized. Partners of this proects are: Polish Rheuma Federation "REF", Association "3majmy się razem" and Roche.
On 26th September and 3rd October 2010 in Warsaw picnics promoting health and activities were organized.Association
of People with Rheumatism and their Friends opened it's stand, where participants had an occasion to meet rheumatologist and
to our offer for rheumatic people.
On 16th-18th September in Sopot II National Meetings of Rheumatology took place. During this conference session for health professionals with participation of representatives of associations of rheumatic people. Terapeutical team in rheumatic diseases is a topic of this session. It was an event connected with World Arthritis Day 2010 and its theme: Let's work together.
From 25th to 27th June 2010 II Polish Spring of Rheumatic People was celebrated in Zbaszyn.
Regional Branch WAMO in Zbaszyn was organizer of this event. Participants of this meeting were representatives of self-help groups from Warsaw, Wroclaw, Kielce, Czestochowa, Leszno, Szczecin, Lublin, Sopot, Bydgoszcz i Bialystok.
On 12th June Association of Mutual Aid "Endoproteza" in Sopot celebrated 10 years of activities. On this anniversary organization hold a ceremonial diner with participation of invited guests. We were among them.
On 22nd May in Sowinski park in Warsaw picnic "To Wola district for a health" with our participation was organized. On our stand we presented our booklets and magazine and we gave information
about our activities. On 30th May we participated on Old Town in project "Town of Charities"
On 21st - 23rd May in Warsaw workshop for leaders of self-help groups in rheumatic diseases was organized. Participants presented activities of their organizations, they discused strategy of activities for futur years,
they met with physiotherapist and with rheumatologist. Workshop was a part of campain "World in hands" and it was organized with financial support of Sanofi-Aventis
Warsaw regional branch of Association invited rheumatic people for a meeting in Intitute of Rheumatology on 24th
April 2010. In programme of meeting: lectures on the newest treatment of RA and on patient's rights, snacks and educational materials.
Similar meetings were organized by regional branches in Bydgoszcz and Zbaszyn. Organization was supported from unlimited grant of Roche. Thank you!
On 1st March how every year 7th meeting of Alliance Against Arthritis was organized.
In this event scientifists and representatives of organizations of people with reumatism were participate. 7th Framework Programme and projects in field of reumatology realized from this programme were a main subject of this meeting.
Department of Health Promotion and Epidemiology of Rheumatic Diseases of Institute of Rheumatology in Warsaw, Department of Family Medecine of Medical University of Warsaw and National Management Board of Association of People with Rheumatism and their Friends organized next course in practical rheumatology for family doctors on 3rd and 4th December 2009.
This course was organized with financial support of (in alphabetical order):
Thank you!
On 20th November associations representing people living with rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) organized educational action in Parliament. Aim of action was presentation of social problem of RA.
Action was supported kindly by Roche.
On 23rd - 25th October our Association organized workshop like a part of campain "World in hands" on the Zegrze Lake. Participants of this workshop were representatives of Association from all Poland. Living with RA was a main subject of workshop. Rheumatologists, doctor of rehabilitation, psychologist and physiotherapist gave classes.
Participants exercised with tapes and they practiced nordic walking. Workshop was organized thanks to the kind support of Sanofi-Aventis.
On last weekend od September and first in October we participated in family picnic in Wola district and in Saxon garden in Warsaw. Participants had an occasion to know our proposals and to contact rheumatologist on our stand.
On 29th July 2009 Polish Rheuma Federation "REF" was registred in National Register Court.
We would like to inform you that the decision on the union of association was taken 25th March 2000.
To the end of 2008 Polish Rheuma Federation "REF" was not registred platform of co-operation of associations of people with rheumatism. New political situation caused the necessity of registration in National Register Court.
As part of the campaign "World in hands" in 5 cities in Poland workshops for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were organized. Associations: of People with Rheumatism and their Friends, "SOMA" from Dabrowa Gornicza and "Milenium" from Opole were co-organizers of these workshops
more on website
On 12th October like always we celebrated World Arthritis Day - this year under theme: "Let's work together". All activities were centered aroud work.
more on
Educational and informational program "To move world" started. This program is dispatched to health professionals, people with RA and their relatives.
more on
Forum of Aware Patient was open on 13th December 2008. Representatives from association of rheumatic people of entire Poland participated in this event:
Next meeting of Forum was on 28th March 2009.
Partners of campaign:
Every 3 months representatives of associations of people with rheumatic diseases meet on workshop.
Aim of this meetings is to increase knowledge and abilities of leaders of associations. Exceptional workshop was organized in Sopot on 21th - 23th November 2008. Delegates participated in training of nordic walking. Workshops are organized with supprt of Wyeth.
On occassion of WAD on 9th October 2008 as part of the campaign "Catch every day" press conference and artistical happaning were organized.
During this event people with rheumatoid arthritis created work symbolizing their everyday life with RA